Sacha Inchi

6,50 9,80 

Extra Virgin Sacha Inchi oil, better known as Inca nut oil, is cold-pressed oil obtained from the roasted seeds of Plukenentia volubilis.

Sacha inchi oil is distinguished by its high content of pleasant, nutty flavors:46% Omega-3 and 33% Omega-6. The vegetable source of essential fatty acids is suitable for vegetarians, vegans, athletes and older adults. The oil contains a favourable ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6, therefore contributing to a balanced diet.

Compared to other oils containing α-linolenic acid (Omega 3), it is significantly more stable with an expiration date of 18 months.

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Sacha inchi is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels and heart function.

Compared to other oils, Sacha inchi oil is significantly more stable with a shelf life of up to 18 months, without the appearance of unpleasant bitterness and undesirable aromas. According to the European Food Safety Authority, a high content of omega-3 is considered a favorable ratio of fatty acids in vegetable oils. Sacha Inchi stands out with its high content of ALA from the omega-3 group, as well as the antioxidants vitamins A and E.

Omega 3 contributes to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels.
Vitamin E contributes to cell protection from oxidative stress.
Vitamin A contributes to the metabolism of iron, immune function, and maintaining skin, mucous membranes and good vision.

Dodatne info: Prevencija bolestii srca, Mayantu, EFSA

Naši partneri: Bio Terra, Acaté, Rezervat Tapiche i Eco Ola.

Suggested use

Functional food oil

Sacha Inchi oil is mostly used as dressing for salads, as a supplement for yogurt and smoothies, or in various dipping sauces. It has a light taste that slightly reminds of green vegetables with hints of nut flavor.

Sacha inchi oil is not intended for cooking

Dietary disbalance due to increased consumption of vegetable oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids and reduced consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids is associated with numerous cardiovascular diseases, off so-called modern society. Sacha inchi oil stands out with its high content of alpha-linolenic acid from the group of omega-3 fatty acids, which contributes to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels.

The recommended daily dose is about 4 g or one tablespoon. The possibilities of use are the same as the more famous but bitter and unstable flaxseed oil.

It nourishes and moisturizes extremely dry skin and is therefore often used in cosmetic preparations.

Sacha Inchi is the legacy of the ancient Incan civilization and therefore common ingredient in the traditional dish “yuan”.

It consists of: vegetables, olives, hard-boiled eggs and rice spiced with turmeric, oregano, and cumin. The combination of these ingredients is wrapped and cooked in the waxy leaves of the “bijao” plant that looks like a banana palm.

Nutritional information

Name Specification
Monounsaturated fatty acids 9,69%
Oleic acid (C18:1 Omega-9) 9,34%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 79,97%
Alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 Omega-3) 46,13%
Linolenic acid (C18:2 Omega-6) 33,64%
Saturated fatty acids 8,04%
Carbohydrates 0g
Proteins 0g
Salt 0g
Vitamin E (α tokoferol) 17 mg/100g

Production process

We cooperate with local communities to support traditional farming in small communities

The canals of the Amazon River are inhabited by extremely poor populations. By partnering with those local farmers, we can improve their standard of living and protect the remaining wildlife. Sacha Inchi is the only cultivated plant from all our products.

Short Info

Category: Novel Food

Botanical name: Plukenetia Volubilis

Suggested use:  Edible oil

Expiration date: 18 months

Part of the plant used: Seeds

Extraction method: Cold Pressed – Unrefined

Country of origin: Peru

Other names: Inka peanut/walnut, mountain peanut

Palm oil plantations

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How it all began

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