Click the “Add to Cart” icon to add the product to your cart.

You can view your shopping cart status at any time by clicking the “shopping cart” icon located in the upper right corner of the page, or by clicking the “see shopping cart” icon to the right of the screen.

Once you have placed all the items you want in your cart, if you have a coupon code for a discount you can enter it in the blank box called “coupon code” and confirm by clicking on the “Apply coupon” icon.

By clicking on the “Payment” icon, you are closing your order and a form for entering your information and payment and delivery information appears.

By order confirmation by e-mail, you receive all the payment information, which is made by making a payment to the account via net banking or general payment slip at the bank, online banking.

Make your payment no later than the third day of your order otherwise, we consider your order cancelled.

Enter your details and after you have indicated that you have read the Purchase Terms and agree to them, you can complete the order.

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